FUEL SUBSIDY, MY FOOT – Nigerian Youths, Arise by Akan Imoh

When I heard that the fuel subsidy had been removed, a very naughty thought came to mind, now wouldn’t you begin to suspect that our President is a member of the dreaded sect, BOKO HARAM. They gave us a very wonderful Christmas gift, (THE MADALLA BOMBING)killing more than 40 people on a day we should be celebrating and all our president could do was talk easy.
To convince us of his membership, he also gave us another wonderful new year gift (FUEL SUBSIDY REMOVAL). As much as Boko Haram is causing this country pain, Goodluck is doing likewise. Well, I hope its just a thought, and there is nothing to it.
I wonder, if he ever thought of the implications that might arise from removing fuel subsidy. Why do we like problems in this country. Every university student is at home, can you imagine,the people we are expecting to rule us very soon are at home sleeping. God help us. No wonder during the last election, Babangida said that no youth is capable of ruling Nigeria.
Every day, the value of the naira is falling, there is nothing in the federal reserve, we are owing left and right, yet our leaders are comfortable, wearing white brocade and flowing agbada. Does Mr. President really think this would work, making a liter of fuel sell for about N138? As I’ve been well advised on social networking sites, I think I’m going to get a bicycle.
You might say, how does this fuel subsidy issue concern me, in the first place, PHCN is nearly dead, so let’s leave them out of this. A 50 liter keg of fuel would go for about 7K. NLC would go on strike, definitely ASUU is in trouble. For those of you that have cars, you would be using as much as N5000 to fuel your car weekly. For those of us that use public transport, be ready to pay double or get your trekking shoes ready. If you would still be able to fuel your gen, you must be rich. Fuel is the live wire of this country, everything would increase.
Now, let me get to my point, youths of Nigeria, we have been known as SLEEPING GIANTS. Its time to wake up, its time to show our leaders that we are a generation of intelligent, brave and just people, that we would not sit back and watch our dear Naija be torn apart by corporate thieves. We were told that the excess monies recovered from the subsidy removal would be used to build more refineries. God help them, something happens to that money, they would feel the wrath of Nigerian youths in full. Ours would be worse than Libya and Egypt, they would understand that though we are patient, we are not fools.
My fellow Nigerians, the battle line has been drawn, the first arrow has been shot and it has wounded us, blood has been spilled, its time to regroup and join forces. Our fight is simple, we would accept the fuel subsidy removal, but we want results. We want to see improvements, no more stories, no more excuses.
Be +ve.
A better Nigeria.
Akan Imoh.
FUEL SUBSIDY, MY FOOT – Nigerian Youths, Arise by Akan Imoh FUEL SUBSIDY, MY FOOT – Nigerian Youths, Arise by Akan Imoh Reviewed by instinct-mind on 1:45:00 PM Rating: 5

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